I’m Tiffany Mendrala. I’m a wife, mother of 3 and photographer. My journey in photography began like many others – buying a DSLR and a love for my children. After many people told me asked if I would take their photos, I finally decided to open my own business. I have taken numerous photography and editing classes over the last few years to enhance my natural talent. I started with families, then transitioned into newborns. I fell in love with birth photography before the birth of my third child. I absolutely love the photos from my last birth and wish I had them with the other two as well. I want to give you those amazing images as well!
I love spending time with my family, reading and sharing my life experiences with other moms. I am involved with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers http://www.mops.org) and TxP2P (Texas Parent to Parent http://txp2p.org) both great organizations I encourage you to check out and get involved with.
I support local businesses, many that are stay at home moms. Please check out My Favorite Things to see what products and companies I love.